David M. Steinhorn, M.D., is a nationally known specialist in pediatric critical care, palliative care and hospice medicine. Jana Din is a retired child psychology teacher, healing practitioner, and co-founder of the Tao Center for Healing in Sacramento. Their successful, integrative medicine partnership as a Western physician and shamanic practitioner, began in 2013, to provide additional healing support to patients, their family members, and the clinicians that cared for them, at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA.
Steinhorn and Din’s mission is to introduce and educate physicians and medical providers on how blending the knowledge of ancient wisdom practices with the latest in scientific research, can be an integral support to Western medicine.
Their most recent international workshop, Transpersonal Integrative Medicine for Adults and Children: Supporting the Human Spirit Allows the Body to Optimally Accept Contemporary Medicine, at the 2nd World Congress of Integrative Medicine and Health, took place in Rome. They taught the workshop with Al Striplen, author, illustrator, counselor and healer, who is of Amah Mutsun Ohlone and Aztec heritage, and a Native American flute player and teacher. Physicians and medical providers had the opportunity to experience Striplen’s profoundly stirring Native American flute music, and hear how he provided healing for a comatose patient who had a full recovery. Workshop attendees were touched and inspired by watching the Healing Quest television show segment,
This would not have been financially sustainable without the ability in 2020 to begin accepting tax deductible donations as a Transpersonal Medicine Initiative project under The Society for Indigenous and Ancestral Wisdom and Healing, and they would like to express their gratitude for this ongoing partnership and support.
See Din and Steinhorn’s website: www.healingjourneys.life for more resources and information about their transpersonal model of healthcare.
Transpersonal Medicine
David M. Steinhorn, M.D. and Jana Din
Project Goals
To educate Western medical clinicians about the importance of incorporating a spiritual healing perspective into medicine.
To educate medical clinicians, and healthcare practitioners about shamanic healing as an adjunctive support to Western medicine by speaking at medical conferences.
To educate future healthcare providers in the importance of providing care of the human spirit along with Western medical care.
To develop, teach, and host workshops, seminars and webinars on shamanism as a form of Transpersonal Medicine.
To maintain a website to educate and inform the public about shamanic healing and how it can support palliative and hospice patients.
To support and endorse a collaboration between Western medical clinicians and shamanic healing practitioners.
To provide spiritual healing support for palliative and hospice patients and their families.