Bonpo education preservation
Introduction and Background
The Bonpo practice is an ancient indigenous Himalayan healing system. The method draws its healing power directly from higher spirits and from the natural world to promote total well being (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, social), and to protect and preserve all life forms. This spiritual practice predates all organized religions, including Buddhism, and all modern hospital systems of health.
The Problem
In recent decades, the Bonpo healing system has come under attack. The government is converting ancient Bonpo shrines of the high Himalayas into tourist destinations. The government has launched mass-media campaigns against the healing system. They portray the Bonpos as backward, uneducated, and illiterate mountain tribes who function as remote cults, removed from the modern world.
The Need
This particular shrine, Noba La Ghang, is in a great danger of being totally destroyed. For thousands of years, this sacred place, which sits on a high mountain top, where the living spirit resides, has served as the most sacred site among the Bonpo shrines. Special meditation is held twice a year, in July and November. There is no other place like this in the entire Himalayas for the Bonpo practice.
The Bonpos wish to protect the sacredness of this place by building a sanctuary in front of the shrine. At this site, they can continue revitalizing the age-old tradition of training a new generation of people who wish to become Bonpo healers.
On behalf of the Himalayan Bonpo healers, we humbly ask for your kindness and compassion in helping to restore and preserve indigenous rights by supporting the education of future Bonpo healers. Please support this intervention that contributes to this effort.
The land will be held in a trust overseen by the Elders of the Bonpo Community.
Legal advice is appreciated.
All funds raised will go directly to the Bonpo education project.
Thank you and deep gratitude and respect for your support!