Nunkai Ethnobiological
The rescue, preservation, and conservation of traditional Shuar culture and their ancestral homelands in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Natem Anank’s mission was to fight for the preservation of the traditional Shuar culture and their ancestral homeland which
are being destroyed at a rapid pace. He inspired many and created a noble path for us to follow.
The Shuar define themselves as a thousand-year-old native society, settled in a territory of ancestral possession, with their own worldview, autochthonous language (Shuar Chicham), customs, and traditions.
We love and respect our Mother Earth because she provides us with everything we need for our families and communities to live in a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.
Natem taught us how important it is to build a human bridge in the world that unites people from all tribes with
Current Situation
Within a single generation, the world the Shuar have known for thousands of years could disappear without a trace. Communal lands are being sub-divided and sold to outsiders at cut-rate prices. Logging, mining, and the introduction of pesticides have killed many species of wildlife and caused health issues to Shuar tribal members of all ages. They are being forced out of their rainforest homes and into cities where they have little choice but to assimilate and leave their culture and agroforestry traditions behind. Before they started eating Western food and taking pharmaceuticals, it was normal for Shuar elders to live well beyond 100 years of age. Now ‘modern’ ailments such as heart disease and cancer are increasing morbidity among the Shuar at younger ages.
The Natema Jee Cultural Center is located within Shuar territory and includes the Community of Uyunts, Sevilla don Bosco parish, Morona canton, Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador.
Our Goals
Value, preserve, and rescue traditional ancestral customs.
Create educational programs within the Shuar culture, and intercultural exchanges.
Programs will include topics such as:
Plant identification, conservation and uses
Traditional songs and dances
Weaving, ceramics, and other artisan crafts
Shuar mythology
Phase one
Construction of a guest house (in progress)
Phase two
Construction of a kitchen and dining room for guests (in progress)
Maintenance and repair of the Natema Jee Cultural Center
Construction of trails
Location of natural resources including artesian springs
Create aquifers
Plant and tree identification
Create and conserve an area for the recovery of native animal species
Environmental education
Forest recovery plan
Create an internal and external volunteer program
Our first project will be the Kakaram Plant Conservation Project.
In the Shuar language, Kakaram means: strong, brave, fearless, and powerful. To have energy, strength, and encouragement.
Preservation and conservation of traditional Shuar plants. Education of plant identification, uses, and storage.
Plant gathering is essential for the subsistence economy of Shuar communities and plays an important role within their culture. These plants are used for food, construction material, physical and spiritual healing. Food security for the Shuar depends mainly on cultivation in the jungle and home gardens. Most forest plants also have a significant cultural and spiritual value in myths and rituals. Initial research documents indicate that he Shuar of the Ecuadorian Amazon utilize nearly 600 species of plants from their fields and forests.
Our Objectives
Find, rescue, and conserve, remaining traditional plants within Shuar territory
Plant on Shuar land, specifically at Natema Jee Cultural Center, using traditional methods
Harvest and preserve for current and future use
Create apprenticeship programs within the Shuar culture and with outsiders
Teach about preparing an area for planting, how and when to plant
Teach plant conservation and uses
Implementation of greenhouses and nurseries (seedbeds, nurseries)
Expansion of the project / acquisition of jungle territories for the conservation of natural species.