ancestral seeds for the future

Gathering. Nurturing. Tending. Building.

FEBRUARY 1, 2025

Online Event
Begins: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Break: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Reconvenes: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

We will gather seeds from our visions and winter stillness

Find ways of nurturing Ancestral Wisdom, the teachings of our elders

Tending our relationship and building communal webs for the future


Nurturing respect for all life by renewing our relationship with the sacred through co-creative efforts whether through the arts, dreams, ceremony or other means.

“Shamans play an important role in society today, by removing imbalances and restoring the connection between the sacred and the secular. They continue to ritualize the process of transformation.”
~ Ruth-Inge Heinze


our journal

A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation

With a commitment to the future of humanity and all our relations, ReVision is dedicated to the exploration of issues that assert and value the transmotional and interconnected sovereignty of people before any institutions. Sovereignty and self-determination as foundations of peace require our human imagination as part of a sustainable world of stories and cultural practices in a particular place or ecology.